As 2019 Baseball Tryouts start to approach and as coaches we are busy planning for multiple situations (indoor tryouts and outside tryouts). Living in a Northern State we currently have been in a state of snow/rain and sunshine the past few weeks. However we continue to focus on getting better each and every single day in order for the first game of the season (March 7th).
Tryouts occur on February 26-28th and with Game 1 exactly one week later we have to plan accordingly. As a Head Coach I have to think about getting kids out of class for the game and keeping them healthy and ready for the entire season. With the weather it’s tough to plan out what arms you have and how they are to get into shape. Most coaches in Northern areas just get all arms ready for game 1. But is this the proper way to keep arm healthy. I personally believe that ya coach should stick to their plan on arm care where only those planned to pitch game 1 are ready all other pitchers are to be ready on their schedule pitching days. Infielders/Outfielders need to all be ready for day 1 with zero restrictions. If a player has a restriction they should not be playing until it is lifted.
We are 8 scheduled games into our season and we have only played 1 Varsity game and 4 JV/Sophomore games. And we have rescheduled 3 games total. The weather has hit us hard and we are struggling with cabin fever - we are done being indoors for practice, which by the way is on a basketball court.
With a California team bonding trip where we will play 4 games versus local teams- we look to just get some live at bats and actual games in. The California teams all have about 12-15 games completed and will have there games defined. We are planning on keeping expectations within our own range but we still want to compete.
More to come...
“Achieve Greatness “